
Showing posts from September, 2022

What Is URL Shortening?

What Is URL Shortening? URL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web that allows a user to make their Uniform Resource Locator shorter without losing its ability to direct to the page they're looking for. This is accomplished by creating a redirect link that links back to the original, long URL. It can be a great tool for Internet users who are on a budget, but don't want to have to waste time typing in the full URL every time. There are several different types of URL shorteners available. Some of them allow you to customize the length of the shortened URL while others allow you to create a custom URL. Most services have a number of settings that allow you to create branded links. Using URL shorteners can also help you increase traffic and conversions. Although URL shorteners are a relatively new technology, the concept behind them has been around for many years. Tim Berner-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, first coined the term "Uniform Resource Locator"